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Pros and Cons of Paying Peer Reviewers
By: Juliana Ancalmo, Chad E Cook PT, PhD, FAPTA, Ciara Roche Background Critical appraisal is a hallmark of peer reviewed publishing. Critical appraisal provides analytical…
Yes, Peer Review is Broken, but It’s Probably Worse than You Think
By: Chad E. Cook PT, PhD, FAPTA We have problems: There are countless publications, editorials, and blogs indicating we have a notable problem with the…
On Mastery
By Seth Peterson, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT “I don’t know how they can sleep at night.” I was getting chewed out in a hallway in…
An Exercise in Interpreting Clinical Results
by Chad E Cook PT, PhD, FAPTA Randomized Controlled Trials In clinical research, treatment efficacy (the extent to which a specific intervention, such as a…
Disentangling the Truth about Manual Therapy
by Chad E Cook PT, PhD, FAPTA The “Facts” Please Perhaps you’ve heard the following “facts”? The Great Wall of China is visible from space.…
Manual Therapy: Manipulation of the Brain?
by Tara Winters PT, DPT When a person walks into the clinic with low back pain with primary nociplastic pain mechanisms, I’m armed and ready…