Dear Members of the Archaeological Institute of America;
You may have heard that the Trump administration plans to eliminate the NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) and NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) – federal agencies which provide critical support and funding of the arts and humanities, including archaeology. The research and field work of many of our members have benefited from funding from these agencies over the years. In fact, your President, Jodi Magness, currently has an NEH Public Scholars Grant. The result of the elimination of these agencies and the funding and support they provide could have a devastating impact on the arts and humanities.
I urge you to take immediate action by clicking on the National Humanities Alliance link below, and by contacting your representatives in Congress. And please spread this message to your family, friends, and colleagues.
Click here to take action.
Jodi Magness
President, Archaeological Institute of America