Community Engagement
Project 1
- Drs. Freedman and Clarke presented their work as part of the Duke Duke Cancer Institute’s Office of Health Equity Virtual Series Conversations with Our Community titled “How Studying Genes Can Lead to More Personalized Cancer Care”.
- As part of BASIC Engage: Engaging Community Partners and Basic Scientists in Collaborative Research, a community outreach and engagement supplement to the Duke Cancer Institute Cancer Center Support Grant, Drs. Freedman and Clarke discussed their work in a joint research scientist and community stakeholder session.
Project 2
- Drs. Epplein and Garman are serving as advisors on a new community-initiated project funded by the NC Society of Gastroenterology entitled, “The Gut Patrol.” The Project Leaders are Peggy Tatum and Amanda Mandy from the Female Pastor Fellowship, and the goal of the project is to raise awareness and prevention of GI cancers.