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Hey, I’m Beeps. When I’m not brooding about my chosen major - Math/BME anyone??, you can find me looking angry for no reason at all. Alternatively, I might just be upset about Grey’s Anatomy. On the weekends, I like to ball out with my friends and go on long runs down the beach. I’m short and a little sad about it, so don’t bring it up during rush, but feel free to laugh at all my jokes so I can compensate. My mom tells me I should’ve ED’d Princeton, but as long as I get into UCLA med or work for a hedge fund, I think I’m set. Despite my RBF (Resting Beepul Face or Resting Belligerent Face idk u decide) I really like talking to people and I’m passionate (read: get worked up) about everything (MILK BEFORE CEREAL, because you wouldn’t want to push a person in an empty pool). K,bye. bb.

PS Follow me on Snapchat if you want to get vertigo and the worst produced snapchat stories ever seen by humankind: @beepul123

PPS hmu for Beepul Bharti Brand shirts coming soon