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Caleb is from Chapel Hill who, despite growing up surrounded by the inferior blue, always knew he wanted to come to Duke. Caleb is currently torn between studying computer science and economics or going on a pre-med track, but he does know that he has a passion for music. He played saxophone and drums in a band in high school, and at Duke he sings bass and beat boxes for the Pitchforks, and is a part of the Temptasians. In his free time, Caleb drives to Cary for bubble tea because “everything is in Cary,” and he likes buying nice speakers and sitting in front of them to “absorb the music.” Caleb loves pho, Lunchables, rum raisin ice cream, bubble baths, and has never ordered a coffee from Starbucks. As a kid, he drank at least a 2-liter bottle of soda a day, and had an irrational fear of showerheads. Caleb is excited to get to know everyone in Brownstone, and is always down for a road trip to Cary for bubble tea with some fellow Brownies.