If you’d like to learn more about this project or become a volunteer, please contact: madison.chudzik@gmail.con
Biological Sciences
Duke University (FFSC 3332)
Nicholas School of the Environment
Duke University (A150B LSRC)
Past Organizers:
UC Santa Cruz
4 replies on “Contact us”
Thanks for posting info about your project. Here in MN, we’ve had a similar research project going on in major cities for seven years. (http://mn.audubon.org/project-birdsafe) As our adviser from the U of M (Robert Zink) says, it is just as important to record which buildings do NOT seem to cause bird collisions as to identify the buildings that do.
It appears that every location (city, tower, power line) has a slightly different set of common bird collisions and we need to learn which type/location/characteristics of buildings are more significant. See: http://www.cfans.umn.edu/Solutions/Spring2012/Bird_Collision/
Hi Claudia, great that you guys are doing your part in MN, congrats! As you well state, we need to know what works for preventing collisions (buildings that don’t get any). Here at Duke we are conducting a study on 7 buildings of different size, window density, surroundings, and location. Then we will know which buildings are in desperate need of prevention techniques.
Thanks for your comment and we wish you and your team the best with your study, looks cool!
I’ve been at this for a while out here at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater: http://birdsmack.wordpress.com/. We started monitoring multiple buildings here in 2013, but my daily visits to one particular building began in 2009.
This is great Tim! We started in 2013 but the project has gone great so far and now we get reports from people all over campus. We have been using iNaturalist to report collisions. I invite you to check it out!