Daily Archives: June 15, 2015

EREN Meeting – Bird-window collisions in North American campuses

Through our leader Natalia Ocampo-Peñuela, our team participated in the all members EREN (Ecological Research as Education Network) meeting in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania druing June 10-12th. One of the projects in the EREN network is the bird-window collision project in 40 North American campuses, led by Steve Hager and Brad Cosentino. Duke is part of that project and, by far, the campus with the highest number of collisions, with comparable effort and standardized techniques.

Participants from other campuses, and the project leaders, had a chance to look at the data collected and discuss data analyses. A peer-reviewed article should be ready by the end of 2015.

EREN_meeting_group_picPhoto by Steve Hager