This video will premiere on Friday, June 18 at 7:30 pm Eastern.
View the complete program, which includes composer and musician bios.
In celebration of Juneteenth 2021, the Ciompi Quartet and Electric Earth Concerts will present a major work of Olly Wilson (1937-2018) pictured at left: “A City Called Heaven” for large ensemble. Also on the program is “Grist for the Mill,” a work by Duke composer Anthony Kelley, who earned his Ph.D. studying with Wilson; Mark Kuss’s arrangement of “7 Spirituals and Work Songs of the United States”; and Ben Johnston’s “Amazing Grace” quartet, which takes the archetypal hymn as the basis for a wild and deeply moving journey. Professor Kelley will introduce the program.
In addition to the Ciompi Quartet (Eric Pritchard, violin; Hsiao-mei Ku, violin; Jonathan Bagg, viola; Caroline Stinson, cello) performers include Benjamin Fingland, clarinet; Laura Gilbert, flute; Michael Williams, percussion; Chris Lennard, percussion; Ieva Jokubaviciute, piano; and Verena Mösenbichler-Bryant, conducting “A City Called Heaven.”