Geography, Capacity, and Inequality, Elements in Political Economy, Cambridge University Press (with Melissa Rogers)
Economic and Political Inequality: Competition, Spending, and Turnout, accepted for publication and under contract, Cambridge University Press (with Francesc Amat)
Progressive Taxation and Redistribution (with Daniel Stegmueller and Matthew Dimmick)
The Electoral Effect of Large Scale Infrastructures: Evidence from Brazil (with Victor Araujo and Marta Arreche)
The Electoral Origins of the Fiscal State (with Didac Queralt)
The Distributive Basis of Tax Compliance (with Asli Cansunar and Raymond Duch)
Economic Geography, Industrialization, and Redistribution: Malapportionment as Compensation (with Melissa Rogers and Soomin Oh)
Commodity Shocks, State Capacity, and the Politics of Redistribution (with Victoria Paniagua and Melissa Rogers)
The Politics of Death: Colonial Legacies and Water Provision around the World (with Soomin Oh and Melissa Rogers)
Foundational Bargains: Distributive Conflict and Representation in Federations (with Erik Wibbels)
Federalism and Democratic Survival (with Amuitz Garmendia and Sandra León)
How Inequality Shapes Political Participation: The Role of Spatial Patterns of Political Competition (with Francesc Amat, Miriam Hortas, and Vicente Rios)
Persistent Inequality: Mobility and Intergenerational Redistribution (with Ben Ansell)
Causes and Distributional Implications of Illicit Financial Flows (with Erik Wibbels, and Marco Morucci)