Academic Calendar: University-wide dates (some are specific for undergraduates)
DukeCard: How to sign up for your first Duke ID card (check with your lab for any specific requirements such as RFID)
Duke Campus Map: Locations of academic buildings, parking, bus routes
Duke Library: Can search for eJournals, on campus and remotely
Duke Parking and Transportation: Sign up for parking, see bus routes
Duke Student Health: Schedule appointments, view immunization compliance
My Duke: Links to DukeHub, Sakai, email
TransLoc: Duke bus routes in real time
TransLoc Rider App: Track bus routes on your mobile device in real time
Duke Graduate School: Information about academic programs, professional development opportunities, and student life resources
Duke BME PhD Program: BME Department program information and list of degree requirements
Duke BME Policies and Forms: Useful degree forms and academic policies