Paul F. Agris

Research Professor,

Duke University School of Medicine,

Department of Medicine, Cardiology,

Durham, North Carolina.

Tel: 919-681-1218



Education and Training

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, Biochemistry, 1971

Yale University, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Damon Runyon Memorial

Fund for Cancer Research and American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellow

Appointment History

Assistant Professor, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1973

Associate and Full Professor, Division of Biological Sciences and Department of Medicine

Head and Professor of Biochemistry, North Carolina State University, 1988

Founder, Designer and Professor of The RNA Institute, State University of New York,

Albany, 2010

Selected Honors

Fogarty Senior International Fellow, University of Oxford

Visiting Senior Fellow, Exeter College, Oxford

National Research Service Award Special Fellow

U.S. Natl. Academy of Science Exchange Scientist- Polish Academy of Sciences

Research Interests:

The physicochemical properties of RNA that provide function for human health, and the targeting of those functions to correct health problems and disease.

 Lab Location

Medical Science Research Building #1 Room 319, 203 Research Dr, Durham NC 27710

Curriculum Vitae and full publication list.