The Bittersweet End of a Beautiful Journey

As I lay on my Swift bed for the final time, reminiscing about the past 8 weeks, I find myself constantly wondering “Where did all the time go”? It feels as if it were just yesterday when I got an email from Dr.Grunwald notifying me about my placement in the Silva Lab. I was super excited, but more certainly nervous. I had little to no experience in the lab and hardly even touched a pipet! I will never forget the first day I walked in for training.  My wonderful lab mentor, Dr.Omur, welcomed me and provided me with a quick tour and preview of the lab. “Wow, this is so exciting and cool”, I said— yet deep down I was terrified. I was filled with so much uncertainty and felt that having no prior experience or background in the field would set me back. However, under the guidance and support of my lab mentor and PI, my journey and growth in research sparked! From mastering the art of fractionating cells to conducting my own western blot procedure— I’ve achieved milestones I once thought were beyond my own reach. The members of the Silva Lab will forever hold a special place in my heart as each and every member was always willing to share their knowledge, collaborate, and provide insightful resources to support my scientific growth.

Beyond the lab, something that has made my BSURF experience heartwarming is the sense of community and friendship I developed among my brilliant peers. I could never have imagined meeting such an amazing, supportive, and talented group of students if it weren’t for this program. Sharing our passion for science and research has created an unbreakable bond among us, and we became not only members of the same program, but a family. I will always cherish the time we served dinner at the homeless shelter and having the chance to speak with several individuals whose voices are often unheard. The visit truly inspired and resonated with me, because at the end of the day, each end every one of us have a story to share. The visit to the lemur center and our late night boba runs after a long day of lab will also always be a fond memory of mine. I look forward to continuing these connections in my life beyond this summer and even after graduating Duke— because as we reflect on our time together, we will discover that this summer experience has revealed a strong kinship among us all.

I would like to take this time to extend my deepest appreciation for Dr.Grunwald (aka Dr.G) for everything he has done to make this summer experience unforgettable. His dedication to helping us grow as researchers has been truly inspiring. I feel incredibly fortunate to have been a part of his last time directing BSURF and I am truly thankful for the impact he has had on my life. I will continue to carry on all of the valuable lessons I’ve learned from him into my academic and professional future— and will always remember that without clear communication, your work means nothing!

Additionally, I would like to express my appreciation to Kehali and Grace for being the best graduate assistants we could ever ask for. Their commitment to making sure we have the proper resources to succeed has been truly beneficial. I am grateful for everything they have done and even going grocery shopping to provide us with breakfast to make sure we are well nourished and perform our best in lab. These small gestures made a big difference in our lives and I wish them both the absolute best of luck during the rest of their time in graduate school… and I am incredibly proud of them both!

As I finish this reflection, I find myself tearing up… grateful for the growth, the support, the community, and the cherished memories that will stay with me forever.

From the bottom of my heart… thank you everyone for an unforgettable summer— now go be the best scientists you can be!

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