Reflecting on Natalia’s Chalk Talk About Pain

I will be discussing about Natalia’s chalk talk about chronic pain in mice. Essentially, Natalia talked about translational pain medicine in terms of short-term and chronic pain alike. The idea of chronic pain is interesting because while pain should be survival mechanism to alert the body of any issues, chronic pain does not serve this purpose accurately and can instead cause neuropathy and/or nerve damage.

It was really interesting to see that there would be a sexual dimorphism in treating the stem cells from bone marrow of male and female mice. The first time I heard about bone marrow was in high school, and while I am not absolutely certain of the research or its procedures, I remember seeing a study on bone marrow cells potentially being converted as sperm cells for reproductive purposes. Again, I am not sure of this accuracy or any relevancy to Natalia’s project, the uses for bone marrow are intriguing to me.

I also liked that Natalia broke down and defined a lot of her terms, such as “immunohistochemistry”  defining it into three parts as antibodies, tissues, and reaction. In this way, it was easier to follow what she was discussing, and I found her chalk talk very informative and applicable.

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