Life in the Ji Lab

For me, it’s kind of hard to write about a day in my life at the lab because of how varied the days have been from the very beginning. However, this isn’t a bad thing. It’s kept every day looking more like an adventure with many things to learn from rather than getting monotonous and boring. Typically, I do go in at the same time—10:45 a.m., after our BSURF meetings in the mornings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays—except on Mondays when I go in until after lunch because we have lab meetings from 9 to 11 (ish) and Fridays when I go in at around 10 am. Going into MSRB III in the morning, all the way up to the 6th floor  has become my favorite thing, especially getting to my little desk area within the lab that has an amazing view of the Duke Chapel. Usually at least one of my two mentors will be there already, so I greet them as I set up my area with my computer and notebook.  

Since we just recently solidified the plans for what my project for the summer would consist of, we’ve been going through the steps that we have planned out and seeing which would be the best to perform next or continue whatever was not finished the previous day. Lately this has included lots of immunohistochemistry to stain mouse DRG’s for analysis under a microscope and this past Friday and Saturday I learned how to do RNAscope as well for this project. Both are relatively long procedures that involve lots of waiting time between steps in the protocol, so I have been making use of that time by reading. It had been a long time since I was able to do that peacefully because of how packed my days are usually during the school year so I’m very much making the most out of it. At some point in time, usually between 12:30 and 1:30, I take a little lunch break where I appreciate having some time to spend with other lab members since everyone is usually very engrossed in their own work all day. Afterwards once I am done with whatever I had planned to do for the day I check with my mentors one last time if there is anything else they want me to do, observe, or help themA day in my life at the Ji lab  with before heading out, which has usually been between 5 and 6:30 depending on the day. Although some days I come out more tired than others, I am always eager to go back the next day for more activities within the Ji Lab.  

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