Work in Progress

My time in the Perfect lab has been highly rewarding. I have had some setbacks but none of them was enough to upset my work. Firstly, the important part of my experiments involves mapping the whereabouts of an incision that was made during the production of my tps1 mutants. All the gDNA has been extracted and is ready to go for sequencing. After the sequencing, I will work with a bioinformatics team to interpret the meaning of the results and point exactly where the mutation occurred. This is a crucial part of my project. Potentially most of the mutants will have an incision in the same position or very close by. If so, the project will change course to focus on understanding more about the loci involved and establish its relationship with the compensation mechanism for the trehalose pathway.

Unfortunately, l do not expect the sequencing to be complete before the end of the BSURF 8 weeks. This might force me to present partial or no results at the poster session. However, I do not think this is a failure; it’s just work in progress. I do have other results that are fascinating although they were cannot compensate for the sequencing results.

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