February 26, 2015

Poor Nixon

Poor Nixon


What strange unconnected things this man said,
“O ill done Dick” and “O well done Harry!”
They dubbed him foolish, insane, crazed, and mad.
But oh, just then, Richard fell to Henry.
What great prophecy he owned, and vision.
To test the prophet of his skill, the King
Lost a diamond purposely. Quoth Nixon,
“Those who hide can find,” all astonishing.
What fear had he of being clemmed. “Never,”
Pledged Henry and rode off to hunt. Servants
Snubbed the pampered loon. The King’s officer
Locked him up to keep from torment. This good
Man sped up to meet a summons. After
Three days returned, and found poor, starved

(Inspired by the legend of Robert Nixon c. 1467, the troubled prophet of Cheshire. The Shakespearean-style sonnet, composed in iam- bic pentameter, was written in an attempt to mix the mathematical peculiarites of the poetry style with a human story of Robert Nixon.)

Leslie Jo Mitchell, RN BSN COS-C, is a MSN Nursing Education Student from Wilmington, NC