Category Archives: Spring 2013

Spring 2013 Courses and Opportunities


  • ISIS 170/COMPSCI 107/VMS 172: Artificial Life, Culture, and Evolution
    Nick Gessler
    TuTh 10:05 am – 1:00 pm in Perkins LINK Classroom TBA (includes lab time)
    STS, QS, SS
  • ISIS 240/AMI 325/VMS 288: Web-Based Multimedia Communications (hands-on lab)
    TuTh (Richard Lucic) 1:25 pm – 2:40 pm, W (Florian Wiencek) 1:40 pm – 4:10 pm
    in Social Sciences 229
    R, ALP, QS
  • ISIS 380: Digital Cities: Representing the Past and Building the Future Florian Wiencek
    Tu 1:40 pm – 4:10 pm in Smith Warehouse, Bay 12, Room 101
    R, STS, CZ
  • ISIS 495S: Research Capstone
    Victoria Szabo
    Tu 8:45 am – 11:20 am in Social Sciences 229
    R, SS

Detailed Descriptions:

Independent Study Options:

  • ISIS 491: Independent Study
  • ISIS 493: ISIS Research Independent Study

contact Victoria Szabo for details on work with Digital Durham, Trading Races, and other opportunities


  • ISIS 650S/LIT 621S/ ARTHIST 537S/VMS 561S: Critical Studies in New Media
    Timothy Lenoir
    Th 3:05 pm – 5:35 pm in TBA
    R, STS, ALP, SS
  • ISIS 791: Individual Research in ISIS (Graduate) – work with GreaterThanGames Lab, Wired! Lab or other projects – contact individual instructors for opportunities

Detailed Descriptions: