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Unix Shell Tips

Viewing a File

To see what’s in a small text file named myfile, simply use the command:
cat myfile
It will simply output the content of myfile in your terminal.

If myfile is long, you will want to use the following command:
less myfile
It enters a “paging” mode, which lets you view/scroll/search the file inside your terminal. When less is running, you can use the following key strokes/sequences:

  • [SPACE] or f goes forward one page, and b goes back one page.
  • [UP] scrolls up one line, and [DOWN] scrolls down one line.
  • g goes to the beginning of the file, and G goes to the end of the file. More generally, type in a number and then g, and you will go to that line of the file.
  • / lets you search for a string, and n goes to the next match in the output.
  • ? lets you search in the reverse direction.
  • h lets you view the help page.
  • q quits less and brings you back to the shell.

Editing a File

Both nano and vim come pre-installed on your virtual machine and lets you edit text files within a terminal. nano is very easy to learn, and we recommend that if you are new to shell. To edit a (new or existing) text file named myfile, simply use the command:
nano myfile
The rest is pretty self-explanatory. The bottom of the screen always show the list of commands. ^X means [CTRL]-X.

vim is very powerful but can take quite a while to get used to. An advantage over nano is that vim provides nice syntax highlighting by default for many languages, including Python and SQL. To learn vim, we recommend a nice interactive tutorial.

Searching Through Big Files or Lots of Files

If you have big files or many files to search through, use grep. Here are some common usage examples:

  • grep 'foo' file finds lines in file containing the string foo (anywhere within the line).
  • grep -n 'foo' file also give you the line numbers.
  • grep 'foo' *.sql searches for foo in all files in the current directory whose name ends with .sql.
  • grep -r 'foo' dir/ recursively searches for foo in all files found anywhere under the directory dir/.