Issue 11: October 2021
When faced with a global pandemic, mental health tends to take a backseat to the more visible physical health. However, the former can have just as much impact on a person’s wellbeing as the latter. From how doctors are faring mentally during the pandemic to the struggles faced by DKU students, mental health is covered in all its forms in this issue of the Global Health Newsletter.
Burnout Is Threatening Physicians More Than Ever Under COVID-19

Author: Lucine Wu
Let’s Be Kind And Understanding: Consequences Of COVID-19 On People’s Wellbeing

Author: Tanushree Kochar
Addressing the Stigma around Mental Health Disorders

Author: Nino Nadirashvili

Mental Health, Post-traumatic growth and Peer Support for
You — A Conversation with CAPS
Interviewer: Emma Guo
Interviewees: Fan Yang, Amber Xu, Yitong Cai and Xuening Peng
The Hospital Playlist Effect: How Television Dramas can be a Tool for Global Health

Author: Tanushree Kochar