The Story from the Field: Exclusive interview with the frontline workers in the COVID-19 crisis – Doctors from The Third People’s Hospital of Kunshan

Author: Yanfei Mao

Voice From the Frontline

Doctor Dong of The Third People’s Hospital of Kunshan’s fever clinic, has not gone back home since the coronavirus outbreak. A special floor of rooms which isolated non-COVID-19 patients were set in the hospital to function as a resting place for the medical staff in the fever clinic. This considerate arrangement relieves his concerns on impacting his family’s health. 

Although the “main battlefield” of COVID-19 was in Hubei Province, for doctors all over China, and especially those who work in the fever clinics, it was undoubtedly a tough fight. There must be someone on duty 24 hours every day, however, at the beginning, there were only five doctors working in the fever clinic. Thismeant that every doctor had to take turns to work 6 hours a day, every day. Due to the shortage of medical resources, each doctor on duty only had one protective suit and one N95 mask, making it impossible for physicians on duty to go to the bathroom or cafeteria. Referring to the strict use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Doctor Dong explained, “If you take it off in the halfway, you have to change it. Therefore, your colleagues might not be able to get them”. 

Fortunately, some more doctors joined the battle in March and April and shared the workload. Additionally, adequate resources were acquired over time as well. When asked if he/she was ever afraid of COVID-19, Dr Dong’s reply was honest, “Yes, a little. Because it’s a new virus and we don’t know much about it. People are always afraid of the unknown. However, we are doctors, we are nurses, and at this moment, we are soldiers. If not us, then who?”