Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH)

Author: Renata Koviazina

Global Health is not just about science, global health is also about addressing and solving global challenges; it is about improving the well-being of people and the planet. The Consortium of Universities for Global Health(CUGH) thinks in the same way. CUGH is an organization that considers universities and individuals as a transformative force, and we can become a part of it.

CUGH’s Annual Global Health Conference is an excellent venue to learn, share research, collaborate, and develop partnerships to address the global health challenges we are facing. The conference will take place virtually or in-person in Los Angeles from April 1stto April 3rd,2022, the deadline to send your abstracts is September 23, 2021. It is a great chance for DKU students to make a positive contribution to global health issues. You are welcome to participate if you wish to report original research, innovative projects, or novel programs related to global health. To learn more about the conference and participation, please follow this link.

We also encourage you to register for the upcoming CUGH webinar:  

  • Planetary Health Education Framework (PHEF) (August 18th, 2021). The PHEF aims to educate the global citizens and professionals who will address the complex Planetary Health challenges of our world today. If you want to become one of the leaders in global health, please  register  here.

You also have a chance to participate in the Reflection in Global Health Essay Contest. It is an opportunity to submit an essay about your reflections in global health education and practice. This is the ninth annual CUGH Reflection Essay Contest that is co-sponsored by CUGH, Child Family Health International, University of Pittsburgh Center for Global Health and Loyola University Chicago Health Sciences Division. Both undergraduate and graduate students can apply by October 29th, 2021, by following this link.

CUGH wishes to acknowledge the accomplishments and commitment of outstanding individuals who contribute to the advancement of global health worldwide. CUGH has several awards to be presented next year. If you are interested in winning one of these awards, submit your application by September 30, 2021, by using this link.

A virtual and in-person Satellite Session will also be hosted by CUGH in March 2022. This session is dedicated to Global Health, and if you have an interesting topic to present, please submit your application by December 15th, 2021, by using the link.

CUGH is an excellent resource for gathering information about free online courses in global health and related areas. For more resources to enrich your knowledge and then change the world for the better, please follow this link.