The Medical English Project deeply values and cherishes the contributions of its core team, volunteers, and students, those who have accompanied this project from infancy. Without any one of them, MEP would not be as successful as it is today. Aptly named, the Core Team functions as the heart of the project, working in the background to ensure that both our students and our volunteers are able reap the most out of this experience. When the Core Team began, there were just the four original founding members: May Thongthum, Caroline Robbins, Joy Xiao, and Reika Shimomura. In the course of this year, we have since expanded our team to a family of seven, folding in newly inducted members Anna McKane, Jordan Knight, and Susan Lin. 

2020-2022 Core Team

May Thongthum (22’) is the founding president of the club who aims to provide leadership and professional development in the field of global health for club members through facilitating various club projects and community engagement. May is also one of the four founding members of MEP and taught the beginner class in the first session. 

May Thongthum — President of the Young Leaders in Global Health Club

Susan Lin (‘24) is our other project coordinator. She has also been teaching since the beginning of MEP and recently transitioned into her role with the core team. Next fall, she will be co-coordinating with Caroline.  

“I have made close friends through my time in MEP and cannot wait to see just how much more the project will mature and grow in the next few years 

Susan Lin — Project Co-Director

Caroline Robbins (‘22) is one of the four founding members of MEP and has acted not only as the project co-directors but has also taught several classes. Caroline acts as the backbone of MEP and ensures that every session runs smoothly.  

“I was part of the group of 4 that founded MEP. We saw a need for our international community and decided to take it into our own hands. The relationships and experiences I have gained from this program are so special and I will take them with me throughout life.”  

Caroline Robbins — Project Co-Director

Jordan Knight (‘24) is our current Director of Content Development. She is working to provide our volunteers with the necessary materials they need to teach their classes, e.g. medical english textbooks, lesson plans, etc. 

“I enjoy volunteering with MEP because I can connect with other students who have the same interests as me and help connect DKU with local communities.”  

Jordan Knight — Director of Content Development

Reika Shimomura (‘23) is one of the four founding members of MEP. She previously taught Advanced I.  

Reika Shimomura — Core Team Member

Joy Xiao (‘23) is one of the four founding members of MEP. She previously taught Beginner II classes before transitioning into her current role as project liaison. She currently represents MEP in talks with university administration. 

Joy Xiao — Project Liaison

Anna McKane (‘23) is our current Director of Volunteers. Anna oversees all communication between the core team and the volunteers and ensures that the volunteers feel supported and part of the wider MEP community. She also handles recruitment.  

Anna McKane — Director of Volunteers