About us

Project Introduction

Global Health Awareness Project was launched during Fall term 2020. We aim to inform DKU and global communities about health news and to promote health-related days and wellness education through monthly SNS post (mainly focused on Instagram, Facebook) and on-campus events and campaigns. During fall term 2020, in cooperation with DKU clinic, we organized our first on-campus event on World AIDS Day, 2020 (December-1st) to increase awareness of the impact of HIV on people’s lives and to inform DKU community about both common and advanced knowledge about AIDS. The event was consisted of both online and on-site quiz activity, signature wall and SNS photo posting campaign. Our first SNS post was successfully uploaded on World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, 2020 (November-18th~24th) to raise awareness of global antimicrobial resistance and to inform best practices to avoid the further spread of drug-resistant infections.   

Core members


Yunji Lee, South Korea, CO’23

“It is such a grateful experience to be a part of the process of making a positive impact within DKU community by bringing our ideas to life through amazing teamwork. Also, looking at followers on IG increasing gradually really encourages me to keep going.”  

Content Design:

Georgia (Xinzhe) Jiang, China, CO’24

Lingyi Shen, co’25, psychology

Event organizer:

Jason (Xiaoyu) Duan, China, CO’24