Global Health Seminar Series

Members of the DKU community will be able to learn and discuss with researchers or experts about contemporary global health challenges and future trends. The topics for Global Health Youth Leadership Seminars Series 2021 are as follows:
- Realities and Complexities of Global Health
- DiaFoto, Telemedicine Community Intervention for Elderly Diabetes Patients Management
- How Can We Solve This? Medical Anthropology and Global Health Today
Seminars Information
March 15th 09:30-10:30 am (China Standard Time)
Realities and Complexities of Global Health
A discussion about the principles and strategies of global health. What are best practices, and what is the significant harm of worst practices in global health? During this session, attendees will learn from the lessons of successful and unsuccessful models, programs, and organizations.

March 16th 08:00-09:00 pm (China Standard Time)
DiaFoto, Telemedicine Community Intervention for Elderly Diabetes Patients Management
Professor Emeritus Allan F. Burns at University of Florida who is current adjunct professor of anthropology in the Global Health program at DKU speaks on medical anthropology and its application to approach and solve global health problems today.

March 17th 09:00-10:00 pm (China Standard Time)
How Can We Solve This? Medical Anthropology and Global Health Today
Professor Emeritus Allan F. Burns at University of Florida who is current adjunct professor of anthropology in the Global Health program at DKU speaks on medical anthropology and its application to approach and solve global health problems today.

Speakers Information

Prof. Shenglan Tang
Dr. Shenglan Tang is Mary & James Semans Professor of Medicine and Global Health at Department of Population Health Science of Duke Medical School and Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI). He is also a faculty at Duke Kunshan University, China and Duke-NUS in Singapore.
He is currently Deputy Director of DGHI. Tang has more than 30 years of experience undertaking research on health systems reform, disease control and maternal and child health in China and other countries, and has provided consultancy services on health systems strengthening to many international organizations, including World Bank, UNDP, World Economic Forum, The Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, and governments of developing countries.
He has published over one hundred of peer reviewed articles at international journals including ones at the Lancet, BMJ, Bulletin of WHO and BMC Medicine over the past two decades. In 2012, Tang came to Duke from the UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), based in Geneva, where he was Unit Leader for TB/HIV and Health Systems. Before his assignment at WHO, Tang was a faculty member at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in UK, and School of Public Health of Fudan University (former Shanghai Medical University).

Prof. Truls Ostbye
Prof. Truls Ostbye is a chronic disease epidemiologist working at all 3 Duke’s campuses. His areas of research spans from perinatal epidemiology to geriatrics, and from obesity to the health of vulnerable workers.

Prof. Allan F. Burns
Allan Burns is an applied anthropologist who has carried out research on in Mayan communities of Central America, among American Indian tribes, and with Pacific Islanders. He has collaborated with medical researchers on health disparity research among glaucoma patients, stroke patients, immigrants from Mexico and Central America.
He has a long-standing interest and research in tobacco use initiation and community based participatory research. He has served on technical committees of the International Organization of Migration, the Pan American Health Organization (WHO) on indigenous people and infectious diseases, and as a consultant to several Latin American Universities on the implementation of intercultural education. He has led international trips and research projects for students of anthropology, medicine, dentistry, public health, nursing, and pharmacy. He serves as an expert witness on human rights cases in U.S. federal courts.
He is past president of the Society for Applied Anthropology and has received the Sol Tax Career Award of that society. He has also been awarded four teacher of the year awards from the University of Florida, and five awards for mentoring minority Ph.D. students from the State of Florida. He has held administrative positions as director of Fulbright Programs, Chair of the Department of Anthropology, Senior Associate Dean, and Honors Program Prestigious Scholarships advisor at the University of Florida. He has also been a Fulbright scholar at Copenhagen University, visiting faculty at the Autonomous University of the Yucatan in Mexico, and exchange scholar at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, Spain. Burns was a pioneer professor at Duke Kunshan University from 2014 until 2018.