Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

How do I register for the case competition?

Students can register by scanning the QR code on the event poster or register via the link our website.

Is there a fee to participate?

No, there is no entrance fee. 

Do all team members need to register?

No, only a representative can register for the team. 

When is the deadline to register?

March 7th Friday 11:59pm China time

When will I receive the case?

All participants will receive the case on the first day of the event on March 15 at 8:00 am via email. 

When are we presenting the case?

Case presentation will take place on March 20 from 10:30 am -12:00 pm. 

When will the winning team be announced?

The judges’ decision will be announced on March 27 at 10:00 am! 

Do I need to attend all seminars and workshop?

The participants are required to attend both seminars; attendance for the workshop is not mandatory, but participants are strongly recommended to attend to obtain essential problem-solving skills for global health issues. 

Why should I participate in a case competition?

If you are still wondering, there are several reasons for why you should participate in a case competition: 

Experience: This intramural case competition is a good practice ground for international global heath case competition. Participants will gain first-hand insight into how a case competition is organized and what it consists of. This will lay a solid foundation for future competitions in the field of global health. The competition can also help you decide if global health is something you want to pursue. 

Networking Opportunity: You will be working and interacting with peers and global health professionals throughout the two-week competition period. It is a great window for you to foster stronger rapport with your classmates, as well as meet and exchange with like minds! 

Skills Application: You get to put theory to test! You will be able to utilize what you have learned in the classroom in real-world context in the competition. 

Resume Booster: You will receive feedback from professional judges and your presentation and experience will serve as an impressive talking point in interviews. 

Skill Development: The competition will cultivate essential skills from teamwork to research to presentation. You will leave the competition with much stronger communication skills, leadership, and the ability to answer and meet real-world expectations under pressure. 

Bragging Rights and Reward: In addition to awards for the winning teams, you will also get to brag about your experience and participation in the competition! 

How do I prepare for the competition?

Meeting up with your team members before the competition to assign roles and responsibility is beneficial. It is also helpful to attend the seminars with questions you might have prior to the competition. The seminars are a perfect place to get expert answers from the speakers. Also, feel free to email the program team (insert email address) should you have any questions. 

I am in a different time zone. Can I use a video presentation?

For teams that are not in China Standard Time and cannot present on the scheduled time, they are allowed to present in the form of video recording.