Monthly Archives: October 2012
Exome alignment protocol
1. Major third party Software
bwa-0.6.1-r104 picard-tools-1.69 samtools-0.1.16 GATK SeqWare
2. Preparing reference database
3. Alignment against reference database
- Script dir: /ddn/gs1/home/li11/project2012/blackShearProject/scripts
- SeqWare script: /ddn/gs1/home/li11/svnroot/seqware/trunk/seqware-pipeline/perl/bin/
- Command: perl –inDir /ddn/gs1/project/nextgen/post/black009/NG-14-Stumpo-Blackshear/ –outDir /ddn/gs1/home/li11/project2012/blackShearProject/resultsDir/
4. Getting alignment QC assessment
- alignStat
perl –inDir /ddn/gs1/home/li11/project2012/blackShearProject/resultsDir/ –outDir /ddn/gs1/home/li11/project2012/blackShearProjec/alignStatDir/
- Remove duplicate: bash 19U_R1 ~/project2012/BEexome/BWA_hg19/19U_GCCAAT_L005_R1_001_bwa_gnm.bam ~/project2012/BEexome/BWA_hg19/19U_GCCAAT_L005_R1_SE_rmdup.bam ~/project2012/BEexome/BWA_hg19/ > 19U_R1_SE_rmdup.log
- AlignMetric: results will be generated from "remove duplicate script"
- Coverage (need captured regions)
Calling variants from RNAseq data
Okay, this question turns out more complex that I thought and it deserves a separate page.
People used SNVMix in the past, from the Original paper and anotherNature paper. However, it seems out of date as they are still focusing on old aligner — MAQ and old pileup format output from samtools
Another post on biostar indicates that both samtools and GATK will do the work.
Okay, let’s take a look at JointSNVMix
Protected: Barret Esophagus Exome project
Protected: Getting data qc for NGS with fastqc
Getting the tool box set up for NGS project
- Download the source: wget
- Upzip the tar ball: tar -xvjpf
- Build executable: Make