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Speaker Bios

Michael Doyle, AMCA

Michael Doyle has over 25 years of experience in municipal, county, state, federal and Special District mosquito control operations and evaluation. He is currently serving as Mid-Atlantic Director for the American Mosquito Control Association and was formerly President of the North Carolina and West Central Mosquito Control Associations. He provides leadership, information, collaboration, and training to city, county and state vector programs in North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, and DC.  He was most recently Executive Director of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District and worked alongside FDA, FDACS and other regulatory agencies on introducing genetically modified mosquitoes into the US. Prior to serving the Florida Keys he was a contract entomologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Fort Collins, CO studying vector competence and behavior of mosquitoes. His direct mosquito control experience started as a field technician for Colorado Mosquito Control, Inc. while in graduate school, eventually managing multiple integrated mosquito management programs for HOAs, cities, and counties along Colorado’s Front Range.

David Ridley, Duke

David Ridley serves as the Faculty Director of Health Sector Management at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. His research interests encompass health care innovation, production, and pricing. In a 2006 publication, David collaborated with Jeffrey Moe and Henry Grabowski to introduce the concept of the Food and Drug Administration’s Priority Review Voucher program, which was enacted into law in 2007. Furthermore, in a 2015 paper David collaborated with Jeffrey Moe and Nick Hamon to propose the Vector Expedited Review Voucher program for the Environmental Protection Agency, which became law in 2021. David teaches courses on health care policy and strategy to graduate students at Duke University. He holds a doctorate in economics from Duke University.


Jeffrey Moe, Duke

Jeffrey Moe, Ph.D. was Professor of the Practice in Global Health, Duke Global Health Institute, 2014-2021.  He now serves Duke University as adjunct professor.  Over a twenty-year career at Duke, his research interests included prescription drug pricing and marketing, incentives to promote the discovery of new treatments for neglected tropical and infectious diseases; and new vector control pesticides; identification, scaling and replication of global health care delivery innovation.  Moe, with fellow Duke scholars David Ridley and Henry Grabowski, proposed the innovative priority review voucher (PRV) incentive in a paper published in 2006.  Over 50 PRVs have been awarded since the FDA program was launched in 2008.  US President Biden signed into law the Vector Expedited Review Voucher (VERV) on December 30, 2022. .  In December 2023, EPA announced the establishment of the VERV program that was proposed by Ridley, Moe & Hamon in a 2017 Health Affairs paper.  VERV stimulates the discovery of novel insecticides by offering a voucher for expedited review of a second product.

Laurie Flanagan, DCLRS

Laurie-Ann Flanagan is Executive Vice President at DCLRS with over 25 years of experience in the federal legislative and regulatory process. She is a trusted advisor and strategist at DCLRS with expertise in a variety of issues including energy, labor and immigration, pesticides and fertilizers, small business, and water policy. In addition to lobbying government officials, Laurie assists clients with strategic government relations planning. She advises clients on upcoming regulatory and legislative initiatives that could impact their businesses and helps them understand the steps needed to ensure successful advocacy efforts.

Prior to DCLRS, Laurie worked for Stateside Associates, Inc., a state government consulting firm. She previously worked for Senator John Seymour (R-CA) researching environmental and energy legislation and served as legislative aide for New York Assemblyman Robert Gaffney (R). She has also worked for several national and local political campaigns. Laurie is active in Women in Government Relations (WGR) and served on the organization’s board for six years, including as treasurer from 2010-2012. In addition, Laurie is the president of a northern Virginia based children’s charity, Kids Sending Smiles.

Laurie earned her masters of business administration from The George Washington University in 2001. She graduated from the Catholic University of America magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa with both bachelors and masters degrees in international politics in 1994.

Susan Jennings, EPA

Susan Jennings is the Senior Public Health Advisor for EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs. She works on technical, regulatory, and communication aspects of rodenticides, mosquito control products, tick control and other pests that impact public health. In this role Susan helps EPA to support and maximize the benefits of pesticides used to protect human health, while still ensuring that they do not pose unreasonable adverse effects to human health or the environment. Susan also serves as the staff lead on OPP’s emergency responses to vector-borne diseases, actively supports IPM and other control discussions, and participates in other public health activities as they arise.


Billy Smith, EPA

Charles “Billy” Smith has been with the Office of Pesticide Programs at the Environmental Protection Agency since 2004. He is currently the Division Director of the Registration Division (RD) where he leads a division of about 110 staff. RD is responsible for conventional chemical product registrations, amendments, registrations, tolerances, experimental use permits, and emergency exemptions for conventional chemical pesticides. Prior to joining RD, he served as the Division Director for the Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division (BPPD) for 2.5 years overseeing the registration and registration review actions for all biopesticides including microbials, biochemicals, and emerging technologies. Before joining BPPD, he served 4 years as the Deputy Director of the Pesticide Re-evaluation Division (PRD) leading the coordination with the OPP science divisions to ensure PRD made scientifically sound risk management decisions for conventional pesticide Registration Review. Billy spent the first years of his career in the Health Effects Divisions serving as the acting Deputy Director, as a Branch Chief, and as an exposure/risk assessor. He has extensive experience in the interpretation of exposure data, conduct of risk assessment, and the development of exposure and risk assessment policy, and has served several years on EPA’s Risk Assessment Forum. He also has significant experience related to cumulative risk assessment, risk management decisions, leading organizations, process improvements, and working with multidisciplinary technical teams. Billy is a graduate of the Partnership for Public Participation’s Excellence in Government fellowship program and the Executive Master Class program. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Earth and Environmental Science from Wilkes University.

Chris Larkin, IVCC

Chris joined IVCC in January 2017 and is responsible for the company’s communications and advocacy strategy, as well as holding operational responsibility across areas including administration and HR.   Chris works with a range of stakeholders, including the IVCC Board of Trustees, industry and funding partners, academic institutions and international advocacy organisations.

Chris is a graduate of University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and holds a BA(Hons) in Politics and Geography. He has over 20 years’ experience in leading communication and engagement strategies across private and public sector organisations. Prior to joining IVCC, Chris spent six years as Director of Communications at Salford University.  Previous roles include Head of Brand and Communications at Marks & Spencer plc, Account Director at Hill + Knowlton Strategies (a WPP company) and Senior Press Officer at Nationwide Building Society.

Karen Larsen, Clarke

Karen Larson serves as Clarke’s Vice President of Government and Industry Affairs.    She brings over 30 years experience in specialty vector control products, technology and services, having begun her career at Clarke as a seasonal field technician, advancing through lab tech, sales, regulatory and product development oversight positions before progressing into her current role.  During her career, Karen has stewarded six products through listing by the World Health Organization (WHO) pre-qualification of vector control products, emphasizing those products which have proven public health value. She has also played a critical role in Clarke’s advancement of Green Chemistry and Next Generation technologies for mosquito control and helped earn Clarke the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award for the innovations in mosquito larval control technology brought forth by the Natular tablet design.  In addition to her Clarke leadership, Karen has a long history of active involvement with key industry associations and workgroups, including RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment), where she currently serves as the RISE Governing Board Chair.  This broad experience affords her an excellent understanding of the needs and process for brining new mosquito control products through registration and market entry, as well as navigating the increasingly complicated global regulatory and political landscapes to preserve the public health mosquito control industry’s ability to operate.

Clarke is a third-generation family-owned public health products and services company striving to elevate and transform the science of vector control through the lens of sustainability and innovation.  By extending our innovations and technical expertise in public health mosquito management to all our customers, we are helping make communities around the world more livable, safe, and comfortable.

Stephen A. Schaible, EPA

Steve Schaible is the PRIA Coordinator for the U.S. EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs.  Since joining the EPA in 1991, Steve has worked in a variety of roles within OPP, including risk assessor in the Health Effects Division, section 18 emergency exemption team member, ombudsman in both the Registration Division (PRIA) and Antimicrobials Division, and the Reduced Risk Program coordinator.  Steve has additionally served temporary assignments in EPA’s Office of Water and with The Nature Conservancy’s Government Relations group.  As the OPP PRIA Coordinator, Steve serves as the internal and external point of contact for issues related to the fee for service law under which EPA evaluates pesticide registration applications. Steve is also actively involved in OPP’s process improvement and digital transformation efforts.  Steve received his bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.