Author: Maya Peak

Vote, Damnit

What is more American than not trusting the federal government? It’s in our history to rebel against higher states of power. If you have the power to make changes it is your duty to yourself and your fellow Americans, to your brothers and sisters across the globe to vote. You can and should have issues with your candidate of choice. You should remain vigilant to their actions, their wording, their policies because ignorance aids the oppressor. 

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What Alien Arrival Stories Tell Us About Humanity

It’s 1938. Folks are driving home when they decide to turn on their radios. It’s cold. It’s dark. It’s the night just before Halloween. They hear what sounds like a typical broadcast. However, over the course of this broadcast, hearts across the nation will pound as unsuspecting listeners tune into a story about a worldwide invasion stemming from the planet Mars. 

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