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EVENT: Communicating at the Speed of Science with Richard Sever. Oct. 3

By: Roger Pena

Thursday, Oct. 3rd
3pm – 4pm
Location: Gross Hall Room 270

Click here to register

Please join the Duke Initiative for Science & Society in welcoming Richard Sever to discuss his research in science communication. Traditional research publication is painfully slow thanks to lengthy editorial and peer review processes. Preprint servers like bioRxiv and medRxiv speed up the sharing of science by decoupling dissemination of research findings from their evaluation and other publishing roadblocks. Preprints played a critical role in the pandemic by allowing scientists to share new discoveries about and offer real-time feedback on both fundamental biology and clinical medicine. They are at the forefront of a more open and inclusive publishing ecosystem.

Richard Sever is Assistant Director of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press in New York and co-founder of the preprint server bioRxiv. He is Executive Editor for the Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives and Cold Spring Harbor Protocols journals.