Meet the Duke University Psychology of Student Success class of Spring 2019!
Cami Bowen
Cami’s advice on how to be “successful” in college:
“Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing to be “successful.” Focus on the things that are meaningful to you because that will give you the best outcome.”
Henry Burns
Henry Burns is thoughtful, creative, and has a great sense of humor. He’s an optimistic fellow, which explains why he so often can be found taking Math, Physics, and Economics classes. He enjoys playing pick-up basketball with his buddies on the weekends, and is always down to “Smash” in Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. Henry is from New York City, and intends on studying Physics or Economics.
“This class has opened my eyes to a multitude of different ways of thinking, acting, and feeling, that have all enhanced my ability to understand the world around me and my own self.”
Henry’s advice on how to be “successful” in college:
“In order to be successful, set tiny goals for yourself. Over time, these goals will compound exponentially and you will see yourself slowly change into who you want to become. Change is gradual, especially on the road to success.”
Malorie Lipstein
“I have greatly enjoyed being a part of this seminar, as I learned a lot and have been able to apply all of the key concepts to my own life experience. I now feel equipped to make changes in many spheres of my life that can maximize my future success, not just as a student, but as a person.”
Malorie’s advice on how to be “successful” in college:
“It is essential that students understand that success is not only defined academically– by getting good grades or a high paying job– but also by having meaningful relationships with others and maintaining both mental and physical health. By balancing social, academic, and health related goals, students will be able to find success in leading purposeful and enjoyable lives. Ultimately, your mind creates your reality, and once you adopt healthier mindsets about stress, personal growth, and social interactions, you will be able to reach your fullest potential.”
Katherine Shiff
Sophia Patterson
“My time in Psychology of Student Success in College has been extremely meaningful, even pivotal in my college career. This class has allowed me to reflect on and improve my study habits, lifestyle choices, and even the way I approach stressors in my life. This class covered many relevant topics that were immediately applicable to everyone at Duke, and this really encouraged me to have fun testing out new things/stepping out of my comfort zone by applying class concepts to my daily tasks.”
Sophia’s advice on how to be “successful” in college:
“Focus on finding success in all aspects of your life, not just academically! Social and health goals are also extremely relevant and may significantly improve your overall well being as a student.”
Alexander Pogrebniak
“This class has taught me how personal, academic, and social wellbeing are all interrelated. I feel that this class gave me the tools to become a better friend and mentor and to identify potential trouble spots in the academic career of me and others.”
Alex’s advice on how to be “successful” in college:
“Never be afraid to reach out if you need help. Individuals at a university like Duke can seem busy and disconnected at times, but if you simply ask most will be more than happy to offer assistance. Try your best to develop good habits and frequently assess all aspects of life to make sure that there is not one part that is particularly bringing you down. Identifying any problems in your student life is the the first and most important step.”
Justin Seung-Hwan Seo
“This was easily my favorite class throughout all my years of school. I honestly looked forward to this class, and it was a wonderful start to my day and week. I enjoyed it so much because it provided me with new perspectives and ideas that I never imagined. The class also allowed me to heavily interact with students with different backgrounds and interests. Overall, the class enlightened me and gave me a newfound appreciation for psychology.”
Justin’s advice on how to be “successful” in college:
“To be “successful” in college is all about time management and happiness. Don’t worry about what other people are doing; if you’re happy with what you’ve accomplished/planned, then enjoy it. Also, success is about managing your time between academics, health/fitness, and social life. It’s very difficult to create adequate time for all three aspects, but don’t stress. College/life is about growth, and everyone starts at different places.”