
This course drew upon a wide array of resources to inform both in-class sessions and out-of-class assignments. Some of our favorites are listed below!

The Psychology of Student Success syllabus is available here.

Development and “The Self”

Unit 1: Academic Success – Learning and Growing | Resources

Efficient and Effective Studying: How to get good grades and still have time for life

Getting moving and getting it done: Motivation, self-control, and creativity

Intelligence and resilience: The power of beliefs

Unit 2: Social Success – Fitting in and Leading | Resources

Fitting in: Belonging to groups

Getting along: Group differences

Connecting and getting support

Making things happen: Persuading and leading

Unit 3: Emotional Success – Health and Well-Being | Resources

Understanding and controlling how you feel

Taking care of yourself: Sleep, stress, and health

When things go wrong: Mental health

Being the “best” you