Frequently Asked Questions

1. When should assignments be due?

The course syllabus provides deadlines for the class when taught in a 2.5 hour, once a week format. The dates of the deadlines will need to be updated for future versions of this course. We recommend a once a week format with the Critical Analysis Assignments due 5pm the day before the class on the assignment topic, and Weekly Reflections due at most four days after the class the reflection is based upon.

2. What follow up is recommended after each class?

Course instructors may consider sending a weekly recap email with the take-home points for the previous class session, as well as the reminders and announcements shared at the end of the previous class. This recap email may also include the PowerPoint, at the discretion of the instructors.

3. What is the recommended lateness policy?

The first time the course was taught, students were allowed to turn in late work with a 5% penalty per day because the goal was primarily to get the students to DO the assignments, even if they were late. In future versions of the course, we expect to make this policy stricter to help students learn better time management. The future lateness policy for Critical Analysis Assignments and Weekly Reflections will be to accept only two late assignments for the semester: both will have a 20% per day penalty. After those two late assignment submissions, no more late work is accepted (automatic 0).

4. What are opportunities for student feedback?

We commend giving mid-semester participation feedback and other feedback to students. In addition, we recommend using a mid-semester and end-semester course evaluation form to get more detailed feedback than your institutional course evaluation is likely to provide.

  • The spring 2019 anonymous mid-semester evaluation form:
    • .pdf (to get a sense of questions)
    • .qsf (to import to qualtrics)
  • The spring 2019 anonymous end-semester evaluation form:
    • .pdf (to get a sense of questions)
    • .qsf (to import to qualtrics)

5. Where are opportunities for further course customization?

The course is open and flexible to include tests, quizzes, pop quizzes, and/or group quizzes, all at the discretion of course instructors.

6. Who is a Learning Assistant, and is this position required in order to teach this course?

A Learning Assistant (LA) is an upperclass student assistant who supports the course. A LA is not required in order to teach this class. LAs, however, may serve a variety of functions: doing initial grading (the course instructor always finalizes and actually enters grades); holding office hours to answer questions and provide help on assignments; holding check-in meetings with students in the course; sharing university-specific insights, drawn from both direct and indirect experiences on campus; mentoring students; and elevating in-class discussions by contributing insights as a student with experiences both succeeding and failing. An LA may be a volunteer, paid, or receive independent study credit.