Irene (Ailing) Zhou

Headshot for Ailing Zhou
Ailing Zhou

Memorable experiences in English: All of my favorite classes at Duke have been classes within my major. To name a few that have had particularly profound impact on my life and personal growth, I would gratefully acknowledge Professor Aers’s signature Milton course, Professor Pfau’s Poetry in a Secular Age course, and Professor Shuman’s Creative Non-fiction course. Last but not least, a cornerstone of my undergraduate career has been the experience of working on my distinction thesis with my advisor, Dr. Baran. 

Farewell wishes: I’ve had the privilege of meeting so many great classmates that have challenged, inspired, and furthered my thinking. Best of luck to everyone and I hope you’ll all continue to leave a place for literature in your lives no matter what you do. 

Plans for after Duke: I will be going on to graduate school at NYU!

Faculty Remarks:

Irene worked with me on her wonderful nonfiction creative writing project for over a year, during which time I got to know her and her work, and to appreciate her passion for writing, research, and storytelling.  We shared many deep discussions and many laughs.  Congratulations Irene!  I can’t wait to follow your future work. – Dominika Baran