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Berntsen, D. & Rubin, D. C.  (2008).  The reappearance hypothesis revisited: Recurrent involuntary memories after traumatic events and in everyday life.  Memory & Cognition, 36, 449-460.  PMC3044895

Berntsen, D., Rubin, D. C., & Bohni, M. K. (2008).  Contrasting models of posttraumatic stress disorder: Reply to Monroe and Mineka (2008).  Psychological Review, 115, 1099-1106. PMC2929830

Berntsen, D., Rubin, D. C., & Bohni, M. J.  (2008).  Postscript: Evidence and counterevidence.  Psychological Review, 1006-1107.

Boals, A., Rubin, D. C., & Klein, K. (2008).  Memory and coping with stress: The relationship between cognitive-emotional distinctiveness, memory valence, and distress.  Memory, 16, 637-657.  PMC3076307

Daselaar, S. M., Rice, H. J., Greenberg, D. L., Cabeza, R. LaBar, K. S., & Rubin, D. C.  (2008).  The spatiotemporal dynamics of autobiographical memory:  Neural correlates of recall, emotional intensity, and reliving.  Cerebral Cortex, 18, 217-229.

Rubin, D. C.  (2008).  Mix levels of analysis with care; genres not at all.  Cultural analysis: An interdisciplinary forum on folklore and popular culture, 7, 66-71.

Rubin, D. C.  & Berntsen, D. (2008).  How Memory for Stressful Events affects Identity.  In M. Naka, & K. Yamashita (Eds.) Self Psychology : An approach to cognitive psychology. (Japanese translation, pp.  105-117; English version, pp. 118-129) Tokyo: Kaneko Shobo.

Rubin, D. C., Berntsen, D., & Bohni, M. K. (2008).  A memory-based model of posttraumatic stress disorder: Evaluating basic assumptions underlying the PTSD diagnosis.  Psychological Review,115, 985-1011. PMC2762652

Rubin, D.C., Boals, A., & Berntsen, D.  (2008).  Memory in posttraumatic stress disorder: Properties of voluntary and involuntary, traumatic and non-traumatic autobiographical memories in people with and without PTSD symptoms.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 137, 591-614. PMC2597428

Skotko, B. G., Rubin, D. C. & Tupler, L. A. (2008).  H.M.’s personal crossword puzzles: Understanding memory and language.  Memory, 16, 89-96.  PMC18286414

St. Jacques, P. L., Rubin, D. C., LaBar, K. & Cabeza, R.  (2008).  The short and long of it: Neural correlates of temporal-order memory for autobiographical events.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 1327-1341. PMC2677213