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The Eighth Plague: Locusts

In the biblical context, swarms of locusts were seen as punishment from God. In present times, record setting locust swarms threaten to destroy the food supply for much of East Africa, which heavily relies on local agriculture. These swarms threaten the food supply for millions who are already facing a pandemic crisis. COVID-19’s biggest impact won’t its own, but how it may cause countries and individuals to take their attention away from other problems. The world’s headlines are dominated by COVID-19, tracking cases and closures as they happen. However, this has resulted in a lack of coverage in other areas. If I had not written about the initial wave of locusts as one of my weekly apocalypses, I would not have known about the current crisis facing the East Africa region. What happens if a hurricane or earthquake strikes and the world’s resources are all taken up with the pandemic? What happens if forrest fires on the scale of Australia occur in another country less equipped to fight it? What happens when locusts destroy much of the food supply of an entire region struggling to feed its people already? We’ll find out the answer to the third question soon enough as the world is digging in the fight against COVID-19. Open your eyes and recognize the world around you doesn’t stop when you do.

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