- OpenCV is an open-source library that includes several hundreds of computer vision algorithms
- You can use several languages to cooperate with that (Python;Matlab;Java;C++)
This is the tutorial for downloading OpenCV in Pycharm:
- Download the package in the official website
- Extract the package and in the file Opencv \ Build \ Python \cv2 select the.pyd file under the corresponding Python version folder (for example, mine is Python-3.7) (cv2.cp37-win_amd64.pyd)
- Paste this .pyd file in the environment you installed in the path Lib\site-packages. Rename it as cv2.pyd
- You can use OpenCV in corresponding interpreter.
Distracting the poker card A from the initial picture
Tip: use PS to know to position of the four corner
Shape identifying:
- lDetecting contours
- Using arclength & contourarea to get perimeter & area
- Calculating the number of corner points
Plate detection
Detecting the Russian plate, you can see that only the Russian plate is detective while the American & Chinese plate can not be detected, because the xml file is trained by Russian plate.
Face detection
Detecting the human face by using the xml file which is available on the website of openCV
Machine learning
- Multidisciplinary interdisciplinary subject
- Simulate or implement human learning behavior
- Core of artificial intelligence
Compile software(Based on python):
- Pytorch (Linux; OS)
- Tensorflow (Linux; OS; Windows) Installation instruction
Predicting the sales based on the three media. Comparing the predicted data with the actual data.
(Using ads.ipynb &advertising.csv)
Number identifying:
- Number identifying is a problem of multi-classification, totally 10 categories.
- Train a full connected neural network
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