Tag Archives: JCM_math340_HW9_F13

Conditioning a Poisson Arrival Process

Consider a Poisson process with parameter  \(\lambda\). What is the conditional probability that \(N(1) = n\) given that \(N(3) = n\)? (Here, \(N(t) \) is the number of calls which arrive between time 0 and time \(t\). ) Do you understand why this probability does not depend on \(\lambda\)?


[Meester ex 7.5.4]

Covariance of a Branching Process

Show that for a branching process \( (Z_n)\) with expected offspring \(\mu\) one has

\[\mathbf{E}( Z_n Z_m)= \mu^{n-m} \mathbf{E}( Z_m^2)\]

for \(0\leq m\leq n\).

Basic Branching Process

Consider the branching process with offspring distribution given by \( P(X=0)=\alpha\), \( P(X=1)=\frac23-\alpha\) and \( P(X=2)=\frac13\) for some \(\alpha \in [0,\frac23]\).

  1. For what values of \(\alpha\) is the process certain to die out. ?
  2. For values where there is a probability of surviving forever, what is this probability as a function of \(\alpha\) ?

Geometric Branching Process

Consider a branching process with a geometric offspring distribution \( P(X=k) = (1-p)p^k\), for \(k=0,1,2,\dots\) . Show that the ultimate extinction is certain if \(p \leq \frac12\) and that the probability  of extinction is \((1-p)/p \) if \(p > \frac12\).


[Meester ex. 6.6.5]

Closest Point

Consider a Poisson random scatter of points in a plane with mean intensity \(\lambda\) per unit area. Let \(R\) be the distance from zero to the closest point of the scatter.

  1. Find a formula for the c.d.f. and the density of \(R\) and sketch their graphs.
  2. Show that \(\sqrt{2 \lambda \pi} R\) has the Rayleigh distribution.
  3. Find the mean and mode of \(R\).


[pitman p 389, # 21]

Joint Density of Arrival Times

Let \(T_1  < T_2<\cdots\) be the arrival times in a Poisson arrival process with rate \(\lambda\). What is the joint distribution of \((T_1,T_2,T_5)\) ?

Calls arriving

Assume that calls arrive at a call centre according to a Poisson arrival process  with a rate of  15 calls per hour. For \(0 \leq s < t\), let \(N(s,t)\) denote the number of calls which arrive between time \(s\) and \(t\) where time is measured in hours.

  1. What is \( \mathbf{E}\big(\,N(3,5)\,\big)\) ?
  2. What is the second moment of \(N(2,4) \) ?
  3. What is \( \mathbf{E}\big(\,N(1,4)\,N(2,6)\,\big)\) ?

Memorylessness and the Geometric Distribution

Let \(X\) be a random variable with range \(\{0,1,2,3,\dots\}\) and distributed geometrical with probability \(p\).

  1. Show that for every \(n \geq 0\) and \(j\geq 0\),
    \[ \mathbf{P}(X-n=j \mid  X\geq n) = \mathbf{P}(X=j)\]
  2. If \(X \) is the time to the failure of a machine, then \(\mathbf{P}( X\geq n) \) is the event that the machine has not failed by time \(n\).  Why is the above property called Memorylessness ?
  3. Show that the geometric distribution is the only random variable with range equal to \(\{0,1,2,3,\dots\}\) with this property.