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Taking classes
There are 18 students in a room. How many students are not majoring in math or science or computer science ?
7 of them are math majors
10 of them are science majors
10 of them are computer science majors
4 of them are math and cs majors
3 of them are science and math majors
5 of them are cs and science majors
1 of them is a math, cs and science major
Arithmetic sum
Show that
\[\sum_{j=1}^n j =\frac{1}{2}n(n+1)\]
Hint: notice that \(1+n=n+1\), \(2+(n-1)=n+1\), \(3+(n-2)=n+1\) and so on. How many such pairings exist ?
Cards: Independence
A card is selected at random from a deck of 52 playing cards. If \(E\) is the event that the card is a King and \(F\) is the event that it is a heart. Show that \(E\) and \(F\) are independent events
Calculus: Differentiation
Perform the following differentiation:
- \[\frac{d\ }{dx} \Big(x^4\Big) \]
- \[\frac{d\ }{dx} \Big(x^2 \exp(-x)\Big) \]
- \[\frac{d\ }{dx} \Big(\ln(x^2) \Big) \]
Calculus: Infinite Sums
Evaluate the following infinite sums:
- \[ \sum_{k=1}^\infty \big(\frac14\big)^k\]
- \[ \sum_{k=1}^\infty \frac{3^k}{k!}\]
Calculus: Areas
Draw a picture of the region of the \(xy\)-plane were both x and y are between 0 and 1 and \(y \geq x^2\). Find the area of this region
Calculus : Exponentials integrals
Do the following integrals:
- \[ \int_0^1 x^3 dx\]
- (*) Hint: integrate by parts. \[\int_0^\infty x \exp(-x) dx\]
- (**) \[\int_0^\infty \exp(-\frac12 x^2) dx\] Try looking at \[\Big(\int_0^\infty \exp(-\frac12 x^2) dx\Big)\Big(\int_0^\infty \exp(-\frac12 y^2) dy\Big)=\int_0^\infty \int_0^\infty \exp(-\frac12 x^2) \exp(-\frac12 y^2)dx dy\] and then changing to polar coordinates. How des this help you figure out the original question ?
Practice with inclusion, exclusion.
Events \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\) are defined on a probability space. Find expressions for the
following probabilities in terms of \(\mathbf{P}(A)\), \(\mathbf{P}(B)\), \(\mathbf{P}(C)\), \(\mathbf{P}(AB)\), \(\mathbf{P}(AC)\), \(\mathbf{P}(BC)\), and \(\mathbf{P}(ABC)\).
- The probability that exactly two of the \(A\), \(B\), \(C\) occur.
- The probability that exactly one of these events occurs.
- The probability that none of these events occur.
Here the notation \(AB\) is short for \(A \cap B\) which is the event “both \(A\) and \(B\)”
( [Pitman, p. 31, # 10])
Random Letters
Suppose a word is picked at random from this sentence. Find:
- the outcome space for this random experiment
- the chance the word has at least 4 letters;
- the chance that the word contains at least 2 vowels (a,e,i,o,u)
- the chance that the word contains at least 4 letters and at least 2 vowels.
- What is the distribution of the length of the word picked ?
- What is the distribution of the number of vowels in the word ?
(Based on [Pitman p.9 #2 and p. 31 #6)