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Joint Density Poisson arrival

Let \(T_1\) and \(T_5\) be the times of the first and fifth arrivals in a Poisson arrival prices with rate \(\lambda\). Find the joint distribution of \(T_1\) and \(T_5\) .

Uniform Spacing

Let \(U_1, U_2, U_3, U_4, U_5\) be independent uniform \((0,1)\) random variables. Let \(R\) be the difference between the max and the min of the random variables. Find

  1. \( E( R)\)
  2. the joint density of the min and the max of the \(U\)’s
  3. \(P( R>0.5)\)

[Pitman p. 355 #14]

Uniform distributed points given an arrival

Consider a Poisson arrival process with rate \(\lambda>0\). Let \(T\) be the time of the first arrival starting from time \(t>0\). Let \(N(s,t]\) be the number of arrivals in the time interval \((s,t]\).

Fixing an \(L>0\), define the pdf \(f(t)\) by \(f(t)dt= P(T \in dt | N(0,L]=1)\) for \(t \in (0,L]\). Show that \(f(t)\) is the pdf of a uniform random variable on the interval \([0,L]\) (independent of \(\lambda\) !).

Order statistics I

Suppose \(X_1, … , X_n \stackrel{iid}{\sim} U(0,1) \). How large must \(n\) be to have that \({\mathbf{P}}(X_{(n)} \geq .95) \geq 1/2\) ?

Joint density part 1

Let \(X\) and \(Y\) have joint density

\(f(x,y) = 90(y-x)^8, \quad 0<x<y<1\)

  1. State the marginal distribution for \(X\)
  2. State the marginal distribution for \(Y\)
  3. Are these two random variables independent?
  4. What is \(\mathbf{P}(Y > 2X)\)
  5. Fill in the blanks “The density \(f(x,y)\) above   is the joint density of the  _________ and __________ of ten independent uniform \((0,1)\) random variables.”

[Adapted from Pitman pg 354]


Simple Joint density

Let \(X\) and \(Y\) have joint density

\[ f(x,y) = c e^{-2x -3 y} \quad (x,y>0)\]

for some \(c>0\) and \(f(x,y)=0\) otherwise. find:

  1. the correct value of \(c\).
  2. \(P( X \leq x, Y \leq y)\)
  3. \(f_X(x)\)
  4. \(f_Y(y)\)
  5. Are \(X\) and \(Y\) independent ? Explain your reasoning ?

Sums of normals

  • Consider a normal random variable \(X\) with mean \(\mu_1\) and standard deviation \(\sigma_1\)
  • Consider a normal random variable \(Y\) with mean \(\mu_2\) and standard deviation \(\sigma_2\).

Assume that \(X\) and \(Y\) are independent and define \(Z=X+Y\)

  1. What is the distribution of \(Z\) ?
  2. What is the mean and variance of \(Z\) ?
  3. (**) If we now assume that they are not independent, but still normal as described above, what can you say ?
