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HelpDesk, Duke Emergency Department

Bott Poster
Ethan Bott
Ethan Bott is a senior planning on going into medicine. He has always been profoundly interested in the health and wellness of underserved communities, generally, as well as addressing the variety of unmet needs that are often prevalent in such populations. Through working with Help Desk in the Duke Emergency Department, Bott worked to connect patients with various community resources, which is something that he is interested in and passionate about.

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3 thoughts on “HelpDesk, Duke Emergency Department”

  1. Hey Ethan! I’m so happy that you enjoyed your experience with Help Desk at the Duke ED. I would love to know more about how you managed to connect patients with resources to address their SDOH needs.
    1. How did you determine what resources the patients needed most? Did you decide based off conversations with them or did providers help you make this decision?
    2. Did you do any follow up with patients after a referral to see if they were able to connect with SDOH resources?
    3. Do you think this work has influenced how you would practice medicine in the future, especially regarding your outlook on preventative medicine and SDOH?

  2. Hey Ethan! Do you think that the Help Desk could extend its scope to multiple branches within Duke Medical? If so, how do you think the group could go about doing this?

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