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The Creative Industries in NYC: Event planning at Sequence Events

Pinedo Poster
Tori Pinedo
Tori Pinedo is a senior at Duke studying International Comparative Studies. She used her enrichment funding to explore new career paths in the creative industries in New York City remotely. Ultimately, she learned that event production is not her passion, but it helped her to reorient her goals for her senior year.

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3 thoughts on “The Creative Industries in NYC: Event planning at Sequence Events”

  1. Hi Tori! I enjoyed reading about your experience this summer. I was wondering if you thought your experience would have been tangibly different if you had not been working virtually? Do you think you would’ve gained more from your internship? Thank you, Sophie

  2. Hi Tori, this sounds like such an exciting internship! I was especially interested in your takeaways on the event planning industry, and your conclusion that this is not your passion. How would you describe the lessons you learned in terms of reorienting your goals for your senior year? Great job!

  3. I really appreciate your reflections – the parts about working in your room all day is something I think all of us can relate too. And your takeaway about overcommunicating also really resonates with me!

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