Residents: Call for Applications for Research Elective 2025-2026

Call for Applications for Research Elective: 2025-2026


Dear 1st and 2nd year residents,

Residents in the Department of Pediatrics may receive elective credit for up to one block of research time in their 2nd and 3rd years. Most research projects will take place over the course of several months to years. The protected elective time may be used for periods of intensive work such as background literature reviews, data collection or data analysis. Since only a limited number of research blocks are available, we ask that residents who wish to schedule a research elective provide a brief proposal describing their research project and how they expect to use their protected research time.

The 1–2-page research proposal* should include: 

  1. A statement of the research question with 1-3 specific aims
  2. Background: pertinent information for understanding the project, including a brief literature review
  3. Research Design: include methods, materials and plans for data analysis
  4. Expected results or outcomes
  5. Potential impact and future directions
  6. A timeline for the conduct and completion of the project
  7. The end product(s) that will be submitted to the resident education office (e.g., written report, abstract, publications, presentations); include where applicable clear evidence of how the proposal meets the review criteria


* 5-page limit, including tables and figures, with single spacing, 1-inch margins and legible font no smaller than Arial 11. References do not count toward the 5-page limit.


Additionally, please provide a letter/email from your faculty mentor that covers the following points:

  1. Assurance that the mentor has the time and resources to help you successfully complete your project
  2. Subject of the research proposal
  3. Plans for continuation of the research after the end of the research elective block


Please complete the brief online application and upload the required documents by 5pm on March 7, 2025 Faculty mentor letters may be submitted with the application or emailed to

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