Launch of the COVID Integrated Data Repository (IDR)

The Duke School of Medicine is thrilled to introduce the COVID Integrated Data Repository (IDR), a groundbreaking resource now available to the Duke research community (slides below). This state-of-the-art dashboard offers self-service access to de-identified patient demographic data, compliant with HL7’s FHIR standards. It includes information on over 10,000 patients with suspected or confirmed SARS CoV-2 infection, enrolled in various study protocols up to May 2023.

Key features of the COVID IDR:

  • Extensive Data: Access to de-identified patient demographics from Duke’s EHR.
  • Vast Biospecimen Collection: Over 120,000 biospecimens, including blood, tissue, urine, and bronchial samples, from five different study protocols.

This initiative aims to enhance utilization and foster collaborative research opportunities.

One of the five protocols within the COVID IDR includes a biorepository of over 20,000 COVID-19 biospecimens under Duke IRB protocol PRO00105316. These specimens are residual clinical samples from the testing and treatment of COVID-19 patients at Duke, meticulously collected and preserved by Duke Health Clinical Laboratories for research purposes.

How to Access the COVID IDR or Inquire About Biospecimens:

For more information, visit the Duke COVID-19 Shared Data and Specimen Repository.

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