MASMC 2015 Abstract Book
Friday, April 10
5-9 pm: reception for early arrivals
Saturday, April 11: all events located in Rm 2237 French Family Science Center
8 am: Registration (continental breakfast available)
9-12 am: Morning paper sessions,
12-2 pm: Lunch and poster session
2-4 pm: Afternoon sessions
4 pm: Business meeting
6 pm: Dinner
7:30 pm MASMC lecture: Prof. Cathy Cripps, Montana State University, Bozeman. “Rocky Mountain Highs and Arctic Lows: Diversity, ecology, and systematics of ectomycorrhizal fungi above and beyond treeline”
Sunday, April 12
8:30 am-12:00 pm Morel Foray in Duke Forest, followed by a tailgate lunch (provided) before guests depart. (Directions to the foray site will be passed out to guests during Saturday’s meetings.)