Day 6 in Ecotopia

Day 6 in Ecotopia

(September 28) After overcoming some of the more immediate culture shocks since my arrival in Ecotopia (the sexuality, the clothes, the transportation, the attitude) my eye has turned towards another aspect of society which has evolved in Ecotopia: religion. The major religions which existed here before Independence remain today, although the ways in which they are practiced have evolved. Places of worship tend to be smaller, wood-based structures. As such, congregations tend to be less of a crowd, and some communes are even based on their shared practice of religion and maintenance of a place of worship. The heavy decorative ornaments of certain religious practices have been partially phased out, although this seems to be one of the few places where tradition is putting up a fight against Ecotopian progressivism. You may still find books gilded in gold and silver candlesticks, but in less abundance. While the pre-Independence religions certainly do exist, they seem to be less powerful, as Ecotopians seem more inclined towards individualistic spirituality rather than organized religion. In this vein, a new sort of spiritual practice has emerged in which people will gather and share their thoughts, or reflect in silence, without a leader, agenda or schedule. It reminds me of a Quaker meeting, although with fewer rules governing practice. While these congregations tend to self-select based on shared beliefs and values, the only ubiquitous rule is that arguing and debate is not practiced; all those who share are granted the right to non-judgement. This seems to be the only time or context in which Ecotopians refrain from arguing with one another. I was hoping to observe one of these gatherings, but realized how it might be inappropriate for me to insert myself into a setting so intimate. This is perhaps the first time I have felt unwelcome in Ecotopia, although from what I gather this practice is entirely based on the trust and familiarity amongst the participants and I can imagine how my presence might compromise that.

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