What do we do?

What do we do?

Is there hope for us? The question is really can we all unite. Hope is a very powerful thing. However, the Anthropocene era is not affecting one person. The problem is that it is affecting the world. More specifically it is affecting the poor population that do not have the resources to stand up for themselves. The only way to address the problems is to install hope into a majority of the population. More importantly, people that can do something to change it.

A big part of this is how do we put hope into these people. The first step is awareness. After awareness comes passion and initiative and then hopefully change. An easy way to do this is to support them and provide evidence. When a President speaks to the public all of his facts are checked and verified. This is his support system, he is not standing alone. This is the same ideology that is needed for the Anthropocene. People need to support each other to spread awareness and hope. Spreading awareness and hope is the first part of changing the Anthropocene. After this hope is spread, change can occur. The hope will be derived from technology. As discussed in class we have all the technology to fix our problems. The only hope for us now is acknowledging what we have done and do something to make it better.


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