What is nature?

What is nature?

There are some things in this world that are based up on facts and can not be disputed. On the other hand, there are concepts and theories that are up for interpretation. One that was discussed in class is nature. What is nature?

Nature is different to everyone. Part of me says that nature is just being outside. As an athlete I am always outside. There are many times that I found myself standing in goal on the soccer field just looking around. Other times are me finishing a sprint and laying on the grass and looking at the sky. Others may describe nature as something that has not been touched by humans but practically everything has been. We have created pollutants that have affected nature. But another question that stems from “what is nature?” is “what is natural?”.

Technically everything in this world is natural. The building that I go to class in is made of “natural” elements. The commuter I am typing this blog on is made up of “natural” but rare elements. Even elements that are created in laboratories are composed of other “natural” elements.

To me everything about nature and what is “natural” is up to interpretation. Because of this any policy that is focused on nature and the environment is hard to create. However, with a norm for justifying what nature is policy can be created to protect nature.

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