Duke's Multilingual Cultural Hub

Category: Past Events (Page 2 of 4)

Photo Contest #1


Language Central will be hosting a photo contest for students to submit photos of cultural experiences they have had. Submit all photos by October 28th by emailing them to elh48@duke.edu and winners will be announced by November 5. Exciting prizes will be given out!

Please email all questions (and submissions) to elh48@duke.edu!

Romance languages Goosechase

POSTPONED due to inclement weather.
New day and time:
Friday, September 24 @ 5:30 pm
All participants will receive an email with the game instructions on 09/24 at 12 pm.
Are you sad you missed the chance to win a Monuts gift card?
Sign up for the Romance Studies Goosechase!

This flyer gives the informations on the Romance Studies Goosechase: the event will be on Spetember 22nd at 5:30 pm on West Campus

Event Information:
When/Where: September 22nd @ 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM on West Campus, in collaboration with Dr. Ana Fernandez (Mesa Española)
Engage in interactive learning through a scavenger hunt that will encourage you to apply your knowledge of different languages to team-based activities.
Please note the event is limited to 9 Duke University Undergrads.
Participants must social distance and wear masks.
Games instructions will be sent out on the 22nd!
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