Duke's Multilingual Cultural Hub

Category: Past Events (Page 1 of 4)

Multilingual Game Night

Attend our multilingual game night next Tuesday, December 3rd from 5:30-7:30 pm in Languages 114. Feel free to drop in and leave anytime. We will have cookies, hot cocoa and games from different cultures! If you are planning to attend, please RSVP so that we can bring enough snacks!

Multilingual Duke Centennial Event

Join us on Friday, October 18th from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm on the front patio of the Languages Building! As part of Duke’s Centennial Celebration, language instructors and TAs from various departments will be offering a variety of activities. You can hear poetry in German, learn to introduce yourself in Haitian Creole, answer trivia questions in Spanish and more! There will be opportunities to win swag. Bis bald! à bientôt! N a wè! 到時見! See you there!


Winners of the photo contest

Thank you all for your thoughtful submissions! We wanted to share the 3  winners – only content with student and photo subjects approval was included. We look forward to seeing more of your submissions in a future contest.

Ezra Belgrave

“This photo was taken during a shoot for Khaya, a student run publication on campus. Khaya which translates to home has been just that for me and other Black creatives on Dukes campus. This shoot aimed to showcase an integral part of the Black identity, hair and the community that comes with it. This behind-the-scenes photo captures not only the models, but everyone involved in making Khaya a reality.”

Lucas Ramirez

“The photo above was taken in San Francisco this September. It features a ritualistic dance from indigenous performers in San Francisco’s Mission District, historically known as a center for latino/chicano communities. Afterwards, one of the performers gave a short speech in Spanish on the strength of their surrounding community and the need for unity as the effects of the pandemic beyond the virus itself persist.”

Saisahana Subburaj

*photo exempt due to lack of approval from the subjects of the photo*


Multilingual Media Event

Language Central Presents: Multilingual Media Event

Climate Change in the news: debates on the COP26 across languages 

This event will explore how news sources in French, Spanish, and Italian portray the UN climate change conference. Students of any level are welcome to join the event to learn about climate change, politics, and international journalism.

Links to handouts:

Handout A Spanish

Handout A Italian

Handout A French

Handout B

Register for the event here: https://forms.gle/mTsgeytJRC7otSFp7 

Event will take place on November 18th from 5:30-6:30 PM in Classroom Bostock 023

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