Upstream Valley Fill

May 10, 2012

Objective: calculate area of valley fill upstream of each catchment site.



  1. Download valley fill shapefile from
  2. Convert to raster for MTR study area
    1. Feature to raster (cellsize, extent, snap raster, mask == DEM, value = FID)
  3. Convert to binary raster
    1. Con(IsNull(Raster(r”F:MTR_2012MTR_10May2012Scratchvfill_nd”)),0,1)
  4. Calculate flow accumulation weighted by binary valley fill raster
    1. Using the FlowDirection raster in the SkyTruth SDE database
  5. Extract accumulated flow values at snapped watershed points
  6. Accumulated flow result saved to SkyTruth SDE as AccumValleyFill
  7. Adjusted “Extract Data for Points” model to include accumulated valley fill in outputs